Clinical & Scientific References

Lumiton_Fiber is designed to convert UV and visible light into beneficial red and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths that interact directly with the body. This innovation is grounded in hundreds of peer-reviewed medical studies showing that red and NIR light can penetrate the skin and stimulate cells at a mitochondrial level—boosting energy production (ATP) and triggering measurable benefits to skin health, joint function, muscle recovery, performance, and overall wellness.

Below is a curated selection of the science that inspired this wearable breakthrough. 


Traditional or Infrared Saunas and Photobiomodulation: What Do They Have in Common? Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery. Volume 40, Number 9, 2022.  Hamblin MR.  Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Pp. 595–596; doi: 10.1089/photob.2022.0078

Photobiomodulation: The Clinical Applications of Low-Level Light Therapy. Aesthet Surg J. 2021 May 18;41(6):723-738. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjab025. Glass GE

Biological effects and medical applications of infrared radiation. J Photochem Photobiol B 2017;170:197-207. doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol. 2017.04.014 [published Online First: 20170413]. Tsai SR, Hamblin MR. 

Mechanisms and Mitochondrial Redox Signaling in Photobiomodulation. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2018, 94:199-212. []

Mechanisms and Applications of the Anti-inflammatory Effects of Photobiomodulation. AIMS Biophys. 2017; 4(3): 337–361. Hamblin MR 

Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy Increases Mitochondrial Membrane Potential and ATP Synthesis in C2C12 Myotubes with a Peak Response at 3-6 h. Ferraresi C, et al. Photochem Photobiol. 2015 Mar-Apr;91(2):411-6. []

Pre-Conditioning with Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy: Light Before The Storm. Dose Response. 2014 Sep 22;12(4):619-49. Agrawal T, et al. []

The Nuts and Bolts of Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy. Ann Biomed Eng. 2012 Feb; 40(2): 516–533. Chung H, et al.

Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT) in Skin: Stimulating, Healing, Restoring. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. Mar 2013. Avci P, et al.

A Renaissance in Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy – LLLT. Photon Lasers Med. 2012; 1(4): 231-234. Editorial, DOI 10.1515/plm2012.0044, De Gruyter

Is Light-Emitting Diode Phototherapy (LED-LLLT) Really Effective? Laser Ther. 2011; 20(3): 205–215. doi:  10.5978/islsm.20.205 Kim WS, and Calderhead RG []

Biphasic dose response in low level light therapy. Dose Response. 2009 Sep 1;7(4):358-83. doi: 10.2203/dose-response.09-027.Hamblin. PMID: 20011653; PMCID: PMC2790317. Huang YY, Chen AC, Carroll JD, Hamblin MR

Cellular Chromophores and Signaling in LLLT. January 2007, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Book Chapter. DOI: 10.1117/12.712885. Hamblin MR, and and Demidova-Rice TN 

Mechanisms for Low-Light Therapy. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6140, 614001, (2006) edited by Hamblin MR, Waynant RW, Anders J, doi: 10.1117/12.646294

Measurement of the Penetration Depths of Red and Near Infrared Light in Human ‘‘Ex Vivo’’ Tissues. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 57 (2000) 90–93. Stolik S, Delgado JA, Perez A, Anasagasti L.

Attenuation and Penetration of Visible 632.8nm and Invisible Infrared 904nm Light in Soft Tissues. LASER THERAPY, Volume 13 (1), p. 95-101, 2000, Enwemeka CS.

Effect of Laser Rays On Wound Healing. Am J Surg, 122(4), pp.532-5, 1971, Mester E, Spiry T, Szende B, Tota JG [ 


Photobiomodulation: The Clinical Applications of Low-Level Light Therapy. Aesthet Surg J. 2021 May 18;41(6):723-738. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjab025. Glass GE

Phototherapy. An Bras Dermatol 2021;96(4):397-407. doi: 10.1016/j.abd.2021.03.001 [published Online First: 20210402] Barros NM, Sbroglio LL, Buffara MO, et al. 

The Efficacy and Safety of 660 nm and 411 to 777 nm Light-Emitting Devices for Treating Wrinkles. Dermatologic Surgery. 43:371–380, 2017. Chan Hee Nam, et al.

A Clinical Review of Phototherapy For Psoriasis. Lasers In Medical Science. Oct 24, 2017. Zhang P, Wu MX.

Effect of Low-Power Laser (LPL) and Light-Emitting Diode (LED) on Inflammatory Response in Burn Wound Healing. Inflammation. Vol. 39, No. 4, 2016. Paulo C. L. Silveira, et al. []

The Effect of Phototherapy on Systemic Inflammatory Process in Patients With Plaque Psoriasis. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology. 396–401, 2016. A. Batycka-Baran, et al. []

A Controlled Trial to Determine the Efficacy of Red and Near-Infrared Light Treatment in Patient Satisfaction, Reduction of Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Skin Roughness, and Intradermal Collagen Density Increase. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Vol. 32, Number 2, pages 93-100, 2014. Alexander Wunsch and Karsten Matuschka.

Shedding Light On a New Treatment for Diabetic Wound Healing: A Review on Phototherapy. The Scientific World Journal. 2014. N. Houreld. []

Effects of Low-Power Light Therapy On Wound Healing: LASER x LED. Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia. 2014. Maria Emília de Abreu Chaves, et al. []

830 nm Light-Emitting Diode Low Level Light Therapy (LED-LLLT) Enhances Wound Healing: A Preliminary Study. Laser Therapy. 22.1: 43-49, 2013. Pok Kee Min, Boncheol Leo Goo. []

Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT) in Skin: Stimulating, Healing, Restoring. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. Mar 2013. Avci P, et al. []

LED Phototherapy Improves Healing of Nipple Trauma: A Pilot Study. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Vol. 30, No. 3, Pages 172–178, 2012. Maria Emılia de Abreu Chaves, et al. []

Investigation Of The Effect Of Low Power Laser Used In Photodynamic Therapy For Treatment Of Psoriasis. Photonics and Lasers In Medicine. 2012. NA. Almuslet and AE. Osman []

Combination 830-nm and 633-nm Light-Emitting Diode Phototherapy Shows Promise in the Treatment of Recalcitrant Psoriasis: Preliminary Findings. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, Vol. 28, No. 1, Pages 141–146, 2010. G. Ablon. []

Phototherapy Promotes Healing of Chronic Diabetic Leg Ulcers That Failed to Respond to Other Therapies. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2009. DG Minatel, et al. []

The Optics of Human Skin: Aspects Important For Human Health. Solar Radiation and Human Health. Espen Bjertness, editor. Oslo: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 2008. KP. Nielsen, et al. []

Laser Phototherapy (780 nm), a New Modality in Treatment of Long-Term Incomplete Peripheral Nerve Injury: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Vol 25, No. 5, Pages 436–442, 2007. S. Rochkind, et al. []

Efficacy of low level laser therapy on neurosensory recovery after injury to the inferior alveolar. Head & Face Medicine. 2006, T. Ozen, et al. []

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Efficacy in Post-Operative Wounds. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Vol 23, No. 1, Page 70-73, 2005. Nicoleta Herascu, et al.[]

Low-Level Laser Therapy Facilitates Superficial Wound Healing in Humans: A Triple-Blind, Sham-Controlled Study. Journal of Athletic Training. 39(3):223–229, 2004. J. Ty Hopkins, et al. []

The Efficacy of Laser Therapy in Wound Repair: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Vol 22, No. 3, Pages 241–247, 2004. LD. Woodruff, et al. []

Effect of NASA Light-Emitting Diode Irradiation on Wound Healing. Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery. Vol 19, No 6. 2001, HT. Whelan, et al. [] 


Customized Photobiomodulation Modulates Pain and Alters Thermography Pattern in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Double-Blind Pilot Study. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2022;40(10):698-707. doi:10.1089/photob.2022.0067 Pinto NC, de MVP, Ferreira NL, et al. 

Photobiomodulation for Achilles Tendinopathy. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Oct 12, 2017. Atik OS []

Mechanisms and applications of the anti-inflammatory effects of photobiomodulation. AIMS Biophys. 2017; Hamblin MR 

Review of Literature on Low-level Laser Therapy Benefits for Nonpharmacological Pain Control in Chronic Pain and Osteoarthritis. Altern Ther Health Med. 2017 Oct 2. pii: AT5647. Dima R, Tieppo Francio V, Towery C, Davani S []

Preconditioning By Light-Load Eccentric Exercise Is Equally Effective as Low-Level Laser Therapy In Attenuating Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage In Collegiate Men. J Pain Res. 2017 Sep 11. Nausheen S, Moiz JA, Raza S, Shareef MY, Anwer S, Alghadir AH []

Low-Level Laser and Light-Emitting Diode Therapy for Pain Control in Hyperglycemic and Normoglycemic Patients Who Underwent Coronary Bypass Surgery With Internal Mammary Artery Grafts: A Randomized, Double-Blind Study With Follow-Up. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Apr 15, 2016. AC Lima. []

The Use of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) For Musculoskeletal Pain. MedCrave Online Journal Orthopedics & Rheumatology. 2015. Cotler HB, Chow RT, Hamblin, MR, Carroll J.

Low-Level Laser Therapy and Exercise For Patients With Shoulder Disorders in Physiotherapy Practice (A Systematic Review Protocol). Syst Rev. 2015 Apr 30. Awotidebe AW, Inglis-Jassiem G, Young T []

Synergic Effects of Ultrasound and Laser On the Pain Relief In Women With Hand Osteoarthritis. Lasers in Medical Science. Jan 2015; 30(1): 279-86. Paolillo AR, Paolillo FR, et al. []

Low-level Laser Therapy As a Treatment For Chronic Pain. Frontiers in Physiology. 2014. J. Derek Kingsley, Timothy Demchak, and Reed Mathis []

Low-level Laser Therapy With a Wrist Splint to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial. Lasers In Medical Science. May 2014. Fusakul Y, Aranyavalai T, Saensri P, Thiengwittaya S. []

Efficacy of Low Level Laser Therapy Associated With Exercises In Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Double-Blind Study. Alfredo PP, Bjordal JM, et al. Rehabilitation. Jun 2012. []

Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy at Wavelengths of 660 and 808 nm in Experimental Model of Osteoarthritis. Photochemistry and Photobiology. Jan-Feb 2012; 88(1): 161-6. da Rosa AS, dos Santos AF, et al. []

Low-level Laser Therapy For Acute Neck Pain With Radiculopathy: A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Randomized Study. Pain Medicine. Aug 2010. Konstantinovic LM, Cutovic MR, Milovanovic AN, Jovic SJ, Dragin AS, Letic MDj, Miler VM. []

Acute Low Back Pain With Radiculopathy: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Aug 2010. Konstantinovic LM, Kanjuh ZM, Milovanovic AN, Cutovic MR, Djurovic AG, Savic VG, Dragin AS, Milovanovic ND. []

Efficacy of Low Power Laser Therapy and Exercise on Pain and Functions in Chronic Low Back Pain. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2003. Gur A, Karakoc M, Cevik R, Nas K, Sarac AJ. []

Frozen Shoulder: The Effectiveness of Conservative and Surgical interventions--Systematic Review. Br J Sports Med. 2011 Jan. Favejee MM, Huisstede BM, Koes BW []

Efficacy of Low-level Laser Therapy In the Management of Neck Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Placebo or Active-Treatment Controlled Trials. Lancet. Dec 2009 . Chow RT, Johnson MI, Lopes-Martins RA, Bjordal JM []

The Effect of Low-Level Laser In Knee Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Aug 2009. Hegedus B, Viharos L, Gervain M, Gálfi M. []

In Chronic Low Back Pain, Low Level Laser Therapy Combined With Exercise Is More Beneficial Than Exercise Alone In The Long Term: A Randomized Trial. The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 2007. Djavid GE, Mehrdad R, Ghasemi M, Hasan- Zadeh H, Sotoodeh-Manesh A, Pouryaghoub G. []

Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome By Low-level Laser Versus Open Carpal Tunnel Release. Lasers in Medical Science, Nov 2007. Elwakil TF, Elazzazi A, Shokeir H. []

A Randomized, Placebo Controlled Trial of Low Level Laser Therapy for Activated Achilles Tendinitis With Microdialysis Measurement of Peritendinous Prostaglandin E2 Concentrations. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Jan, 2006. Bjordal JM, Lopes-Martins RA, Iversen VV. []

Low-Power Laser Treatment in Patients with Frozen Shoulder: Preliminary Results. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery Volume 26, Number 2, 2008, PP 99–105, Stergioulas A. []

The Efficacy of Low-Power Lasers In Tissue Repair And Pain Control: A Meta-Analysis Study. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Aug 2004. Enwemeka CS, Parker JC, Dowdy DS, Harkness EE, Sanford LE, Woodruff LD. []

Efficacy of Different Therapy Regimes of Low-Power Laser in Painful Osteoarthritis Of The Knee: A Double-Blind and Randomized-Controlled Trial. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2003. Gur A, Cosut A, Sarac AJ, Cevik R, Nas K, Uyar A. []

A Systematic Review of Low Level Laser Therapy With Location-Specific Doses For Pain From Chronic Joint Disorders. The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 2003; 49(2): 107-16. Bjordal JM, et al. []

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pain Treated With Low-Level Laser and Microamperes Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation: A Controlled Study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. July 2002. Naeser MA, Hahn KA, Lieberman BE, Branco KF. []

Low Level Laser Therapy For Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Metaanalysis. The Journal of Rheumatology. Aug 2000; 27(8): 1961-9. Brosseau L, et al. []


Infrared Low-Level Laser Therapy (Photobiomodulation Therapy) before Intense Progressive Running Test of High-Level Soccer Players: Effects on Functional, Muscle Damage, Inflammatory, and Oxidative Stress Markers-A Randomized Controlled TrialOxid Med Cell Longev. 2019;2019:6239058. Published 2019 Nov 16. Tomazoni SS, Machado CDSM, De Marchi T, et al. 

Improvement of Performance and Reduction of Fatigue With Low-Level Laser Therapy in Competitive Cyclists. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2018 Jan 1;13(1):14-22. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2016-0187. Epub 2017 Dec 28. Lanferdini FJ, et al.

Effect of Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) and Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDT) Applied During Combined Training on Performance and Post-Exercise Recovery: Protocol for a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. Braz J Phys Ther. 2017 Jul - Aug;21(4):296-304. Machado AF, et al.

830 nm Light-Emitting Diode (led) Phototherapy Significantly Reduced Return-to-Play in Injured University Athletes: A Pilot Study. Laser Ther. 2016 Mar 31;25(1):35-42. doi: 10.5978/islsm.16-OR-03. Foley J, et al.

Immediate Pain Relief Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy for Sports Injuries: Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo Clinical Trial. J Sci Med Sport. 2016 Dec;19(12):980-983. Epub 2016 Mar 24. Takenori A, et al. [] 

Light-Emitting Diode Therapy Increases Collagen Deposition During the Repair Process of Skeletal Muscle.  Lasers Med Sci. 2016 Apr;31(3):531-8. doi: 10.1007/s10103-016-1888-9. Epub 2016 Feb 12. de Melo CA, et al. []

Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy Increases Mitochondrial Membrane Potential and ATP Synthesis in C2C12 Myotubes with a Peak Response at 3-6 h. Ferraresi C, et al. Photochem Photobiol. 2015 Mar-Apr;91(2):411-6. []

Effect of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Muscle Adaptation to Knee Extensor Eccentric Training. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2015 Mar;115(3):639-47. doi: 10.1007/s00421-014-3055-y. Epub 2014 Nov 23. Baroni BM, et al. []

Low Level Laser Therapy for Sports Injuries. Laser Ther. 2013;22(1):17-20. Morimoto Y1Saito A, Tokuhashi Y. [] 

Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT) on Muscle Tissue: Performance, Fatigue and Repair Benefited by the Power of Light. Photonics Lasers Med. 2012 Nov 1;1(4):267-286, Ferraresi CHamblin MR, Parizotto NA. [] 

Red (660 nm) and Infrared (830 nm) Low-Level Laser Therapy in Skeletal Muscle Fatigue in Humans: what is better? Lasers Med Sci. 2012 Mar;27(2):453-8. de Almeida P, et al. []


Mechanisms and Mitochondrial Redox Signaling in Photobiomodulation. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2018, 94:199-212.

Mechanisms and Applications of the Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Photobiomodulation. AIMS Biophys . 2017; 4(3): 337–361. Hamblin MR

Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy Increases Mitochondrial Membrane Potential and ATP Synthesis in C2C12 Myotubes with a Peak Response at 3-6 h. Ferraresi C, et al. Photochem Photobiol. 2015 Mar-Apr;91(2):411-6. [] 

Pre-Conditioning with Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy: Light Before The Storm. Dose Response. 2014 Sep 22;12(4):619-49. Agrawal T, et al.

A Controlled Trial to Determine the Efficacy of Red and Near-Infrared Light Treatment in Patient Satisfaction, Reduction of Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Skin Roughness, and Intradermal Collagen Density Increase. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Vol. 32, Number 2, pages 93-100, 2014. Alexander Wunsch and Karsten Matuschka. []

Low-level Laser Therapy for Fat Layer Reduction: A Comprehensive Review. Lasers Surg Med. 2013, 45(6):349-57. Avci P, et al.

The Nuts and Bolts of Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy. Ann Biomed Eng. 2012 Feb; 40(2): 516–533. Chung H, et al. []

Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT) in Skin: Stimulating, Healing, Restoring. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. Mar 2013. Avci P, et al. []

Independent Evaluation of Low-Level Laser Therapy at 635 nm for Non-invasive Body Contouring of the Waist, Hips, and Thighs. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Jan 2013;45(1):1-7, McRae E and Boris J. []

Red (660 nm) and Infrared (830 nm) Low-Level Laser Therapy in Skeletal Muscle Fatigue in Humans: What Is Better? Lasers Med Sci. 2012 Mar;27(2):453-8. de Almeida P, et al. []

A Renaissance in Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy – LLLT. Photon Lasers Med. 2012; 1(4): 231-234. Editorial, DOI 10.1515/plm2012.0044, De Gruyter.

Is Light-Emitting Diode Phototherapy (LED-LLLT) Really Effective? Laser Ther. 2011; 20(3): 205–215. doi:  10.5978/islsm.20.205 Kim WS, and Calderhead RG []

Efficacy of Low-Level Laser Therapy for Body Contouring and Spot Fat Reduction. Obes Surg. 2011. Jun;21(6):722-9, Caruso-Davis MK, et al. []

Reduction in Cholesterol and Triglyceride Serum Levels Following Low-Level Laser Irradiation: A Noncontrolled, Nonrandomized Pilot Study. The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery Vol. 27, No. 4, 2010, Jackson RF, Roche GC, Wisler DK.

Low-Level Laser Therapy As a Non-Invasive Approach For Body Contouring: A Randomized, Controlled Study. Lasers Surg Med. 2009 Dec;41(10):799-809. doi: 10.1002/lsm.20855. Jackson RF, Dedo DD, Roche GC, Turok DI, Maloney RJ. []

Low Infra-Red Laser Light Irradiation On Cultured Neural Cells: Effects On Mitochondria and Cell Viability After Oxidative Stress. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2009 Apr 15;9:8. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-9-8., Giuliani A, et al. []

Cellular Chromophores and Signaling in LLLT. January 2007, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Book Chapter. DOI: 10.1117/12.712885. Hamblin MR, and and Demidova-Rice TN.

Lectures on Basic Science of Laser Phototherapy. Prima Book, 2007. Karu T.

Mechanisms for Low-Light Therapy. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6140, 614001, (2006) · edited by Hamblin MR, Waynant RW, Anders J, doi: 10.1117/12.646294

Low Power Laser Irradiation Alters Gene Expression of Olfactory Ensheathing Cells In Vitro. Lasers Surg Med., 37(2), 2005, pp.161-71. Byrnes KR, Wu X, Waynant RW, Ilev IK, Anders JJ [] 

Effect of Wavelength on Low-Intensity Laser Irradiation-Stimulated Cell Proliferation in vitro. Lasers Surg Med. 36(1) (2005), pp.8-12. Moore P, et al. []

Quantitation of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide mRNA and Neuronal Cell Death in Facial Motor Nuclei Following Axotomy and 633 nm Low Power Laser Treatment. Lasers Surg Med. 2002;31(3):216-22. Snyder SK, et al. []

Human Fibroblast Alterations Induced by Low Power Laser Irradiation at the Single Cell Level Using Confocal Microscopy.  Photochem Photobiol Sci. 1(8) (2002), pp.547-52, Alexandratou E, et al. []

Effects of Different Wavelengths of Low Level Laser Irradiation on Murine Immunological Activity and Intracellular Ca2+ in Human Lymphocytes and Cultured Cortical Neurogliocytes. Lasers Med Sci. 215(3) (2000), pp.201-6, Tong M, et al. []

Effect of Laser Rays on Wound Healing. Am J Surg, 122(4), pp.532-5, 1971, Mester E, Spiry T, Szende B, Tota JG. [